Fluffy Pancakes

Feb 15

In the mornings, I often spend a good amount of time wondering what we'll have for breakfast. Usually, I try my best to make something fresh and hot, and least I can do is to fry an egg. But if I'm really not in the mood to lift a finger, cereal often does the trick.

A good idea for breakfast is pancakes. These fluffy pancakes that I made for breakfast are more of the american version- thick, light and fluffy. The European version I'm guessing is the crepe pancakes- thin, light and often rolled or folded up with some sort of filling.

I remembered watching jamie oliver on one of his shows and he was making these pancakes with one of his daughters. I don't remember his complete recipe so I took what I could recall and worked from there. The recipe is very simple but can easily be jazzed up with a bit of creativity

  • try adding a handful of fresh blueberries or any other small berries.
  • serve with different kinds of jams/ flavoured butter/ handfull of fruit-washed and sprinkled with sugar
  • or as i did this morning, serve with some chocolate butter sauce ( i melted equal amounts of dark choc chips and butter) or whipped cream

1 1/2 cups of plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 cups of milk
1 egg, lightly beaten
2 tbps of caster sugar
pinch of salt
2 tbsp butter, melted and cooled

  1. mix all ingredients together, making sure there are no lumps left. mix in the melted butter. leave to rest for a few minutes.
  2. using a ladle, pour a ladle full of batter into a preheated, lightly oiled frying pan.
  3. allow to cook and turn golden brown on one side, then flip and cook other side.
  4. stack in a serving plate. One batch made 8 large pancakes- more then enough for 2 people.
  5. serve hot with what ever you fancy.


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