Roasted chicken and potatos

Recipe courtesy of mr TAUFIK HAIRUDIN in belfast.
pojie went to belfast during the weekend and tepet made roast chicken for him, and he has been constantly praising tepet's roast chicken for a few days now. so what better way to improve yourself then learn from the master himself. ;) however, due to a lack of a roasting pan, we made the roast chicken in a modified foil pocket hence supposedly sealing in all the juices. ooo.. and also we didn't use a whole chicken like tepets, just cause we don't have any at the moment. :)

directions from tepet (word-for-word) are as follows:
ayam sekor
lemon sebijik
garlic sebijik
kentang beso 2-3 bijik
rosemary 2-3 batang
thymes sket
olive oil sket
chicken stock
care2nye ialah..
first skali ko urut2 ayam tu dgn olive oil kasik rata minyak tu, pastu bubuh garam ngn pepper
kalo pki grinder mcm salt ngn pepper aku lg best then ayam tu smpn dlm fridge dulu
jamie oliver ckp, kalo smpn dlm peti sejuk 2-3 jam, rase die power sket, tp aku xprnh r buat gitu
sdp jek outcome ayam aku
so, sukati r
kalo nk msk lunch, pg tu sapu minyak garam n pepper siap2 then smpn dlm fridge
jgn smpn dlm freezer plak
pastu, panaskn air dlm periuk
bile ar dh mendidih, masukkan kentang yg dh siap potong, garlic ngn lemon
biarkan selame 12 minit (bak kate jamie oliver)
sementara tu, panaskan oven siap2 190 degree
bile dh siap rebus kentang ngn lemon n garlic tu, toskan
then amik roasting pan letak kentang2 yg dh rebus td dlm pan,
lemon td ko cucuk2 pki pisau so nnt juice die boleh kluor
lantaran menyedapkan lg rase ayam
ko sumbat thyme ngn rosemary dlm ayam
pastu ko sumbat lemon yg dh dicucuk2 td
pastu letak ayam tu atas kentang2 td
garlic yg dh rebus td ko potong 2 horizontally pastu campak jek dlm pan
kalo nk letak onion pon boleh
onion tu ko potong 4 then campak jek dlm pan
dh tu ko masukkn pan dlm oven for 45 min
nnt juice ayam tu kluor n bertakung dlm pan tu
skali skala ko bukak oven, amik sudu n curah2 sket juice ayam tu atas ayam
paham ke?
ke aku belit2 ni??
ops...lupe nk ckp
jgn lupe cmpk sket thyme ngn rosemary dlm pan before masukkan ayam dlm oven
so thyme ngn rosemary tu ade dlm ayam n dlm pan
lps 45 min ko curah air chicken stock dlm pan, pki 1 chicken stock cukop
pastu ko masuk blk ayam dlm oven for another 45 min
skali skala curah2 sket juice aym ngn chicken stock atas aym
tu jek


Unknown said...

heheh...i like this one because of the language...i actually read the whole thing for entertainment!

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