Muffin binge - Marbled Banana Muffin

My daughter loves bananas. Who doesn't? It's especially handy when you have little kids and you want to go out. It's like an instant meal, no need to wash, no need to wrap.

As your kids get bigger, they still love bananas, but sometimes you just need to get a little more creative in the way you present them with their '5-a-day'.

For the full recipe, I'll re direct you to the original page that I got it from ... here or here


  • absolutely yummy
  • less sugar is more (the recipe's a bit sweet)
  • the riper the banana the better
  • sprinkle chocolate chips on top just before baking to give them the full-of-chocolate-chips-but-actually-none-inside effect
  • I need more chocolate in mine as the marbled effect is not very evident. (me? not enough chocolate? huhu macam tak percaya)


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